Friday, February 5, 2010

"A Mother's Love" by Rose Mitchell

It's day 5 of our celebration for (28 Days of Love) and we present a personal refection from mother, friend, writer, educator, life coach and co-author of the book "Journeys of Love Voices of the Heart," Rose Mitchell. Truly, there is no greater love than that of the creator and the one who gave us life. This is simply beautiful.....

(In honor of my loving mother, Mozell Harvey)

Deep in your eyes is where wisdom, strength and courage reside. You offer me a loving home with eyes so brown and true, so round and complete. I accept the invitation. As you stroke my hair, I look into eyes dark like onyx and find comfort in knowing that home is where the heart is. You made a house a home with your unconditional love.

Cinnamon skin so soft yet tough enough to weather unexpected storms. I escape in your arms for guidance as you caress me with sun-kissed skin and embrace me with your brown sugar. You nurture what ills me with special, tender loving care and I am healed. I am addicted to love.

Upon your face, I have witnessed disappointment, grief, hurt and sorrow. On the face of an angel, I have seen expressions of joy, contentment and happiness. Smiling when you wanted to cry, laughing when you wanted to sigh and giving when you wanted to receive made you a legend. Time made you strong. Experiences made you proud. Your endurance is amazing. Your determination is a Godsend. Your love is endless.

Your hands are aged with grace, dignity and purpose. They give comfort, provide security and offer support. The palms of your hands symbolize a history of survival. You have magic in your fingers and I am blessed by your touch. You have the ability to quench my thirst with kindness and feed my hunger with love. You add a pinch of affection, a sprinkle of emotion, a dash of commitment and a spoonful of devotion. Your ingredients are essential and your remedy is effective.

Your character is that of respect, trust and honesty. It shapes my life and gives true meaning to being a woman. I value the lessons. You are brave like a solider and courageous like a warrior. I salute and stand proud in honor of the love we share. You are relentless in your efforts. You have withstood test, trials and tribulations. Your mission is successfully complete for I am a reflection of your greatness. Everyday I stand in the image of your goodness. My foundation is strong because you provide structure and balance.

When I look in the mirror, I see you staring back at me. You are my mother, my hero, my role model, and my friend.

Rose Mitchell, Copyright 2001 for more information about this phenomenal woman please visit


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